As you may or may not know, The McAllister's all celebrate their birthday's in May. My sister and I on May 2nd, my mom on May 16th and my dad on May 21st. This year my dad turned the big 6-0!! Last year, when he turned 59, my mom said that she wanted to throw a big bash for him for his 6oth. Then my sister got engaged and they had to pay for another wedding, 2 in one year! My dad told my mom to forget any type of party, since they had a wedding to plan. My mom could not let the year go by without celebration, so we had to go behind his back! Haha, dad!! My mom decided to have a dinner for him at Capone's, one of my dad's favorite resturants. It was on May 17th, the day after my mom's birthday. We told dad that we would take mom there for her birthday since we all had plans on her actual day. Michael and I went to the resturant, to greet everyone as they arrived. He was soooo surprised and it was a great night of friends and fellowship to celebrate my dad's birthday!! Below are pictures of the evening and all the great people who shared in the event!!
Just in case he forgot how old he was turning!!
My dad entering the resturant! (At first he thought we pulled off a party for my mom!!)
Mom and Dad, not looking a day over 59!!
Some of the McAllister Clan!
The Haugen's and Friends!
Work friends, and church friends!
The Spanish Travelers!!
Church Friends, too!!
More Church Friends!!