Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ch Ch Ch Changes...

Hi's time to update you all on what's happenin' with the Koontz Clan. Not much is going on with Michael and Leah, just work and school for them, but for me there is a major change going on. I have decided to make a huge career change and I took a job as an independent insurance agent at Aflac. You know, the company with the duck!! I am beginning to study for the CA State Life and Health Insurance Exam and am super excited about the potential this job will have for success. I have never really sold anything, but I am a people person who can use my life experience and stories about people I know to get people thinking about a need for supplemental insurance. Aflac is not your everyday medical insurance. It is for "extras". One thing they do is pay you while you're recovering from a hospital stay...then you can use that money to pay your bills, buy groceries, put gas in your, etc. We mainly sell to smaller businesses who can't afford the best of the best health insurance. As I embark on this new career adventure, I am asking you to pray for success and that this new path comes easily. Also, if you are a small business employee (or large business) or if you know of anyone that may need some "extra", please send them my way, or let me know and I can contact them. It would be easier to start out with people I know.
Another prayer request for me is that October 14th, I'm going in for surgery on my nose. I've lacked a sense of smell for quite sometime and it turns out I have a deviated septum, and a thick mucus wall (ewww, I know!) in my nose, so I'm going to have it "roto-rootered". I am asking you to pray that it is an easy process and heals quickly. Lots is going on for me at the moment. I am excited and nervous and freaking out internally, but I know that this is what I need to do for our family. I have not given up teaching completely...just for now to see what else I can do. The Special Ed credential is on hold but hopefully I can continue on that journey a little later. I'd love to know what the rest of you are up to...
Happy Fall!!