Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Leah is 7!!

Can you believe that our little lady is now 7??!!?? Holy Moly!! I met this munchkin when she had just turned 3, and now she is a 7! First grade is over in a week and a half, and she is almost in 2nd grade. They say having kids makes your life fly before your eyes, and I totally agree!!

We had a birthday party for her the weekend before her birthday, on May 22, with some of our closest friends. We went to the park near our house and had a pinata, some cake and good times. Her actual birthday was Tues, May 25th. Since we did the party before her actual day, I still wanted to make sure her birthday was special, so on Monday night after she had gone to bed, I decorated her room with balloons, a Happy Birthday sign and streamers. She woke up on her birthday and she was so excited. The balloons, sign and streamers are all still up with no sign of them coming down. She is way too cute!!

Here are some highlights of the party at the park!

The Birthday Girl
The Gang

Picking up the Loot form the Pinata!

Blowing out the Candle!

Her favorite gift...a pink BB gun, from Papa...although I don't know who is more excited about it, Michael or Leah!! :)

1 comment:

  1. HBD! LEah! That cake is pretty cool! I didn't know they made pink bebe guns now. ok putting that in the back of my brain...
