Sunday, January 30, 2011

Why I am not a fan of Michigan...

Michigan is not my favorite place because every now and again it steals my husband a way from me, and Leah is the pits!!  It stole him today for the!

Michael and I were talking today and we've realized that in June we'll have been married for 3 years, and together for 5!!  Holy Moly, that is ridiculous!  I still feel like we just met and that we just got married this past summer...but no, it's been longer and we're no longer newlyweds.  It is no fun that Michael goes away and Leah goes to her mom's.  I am left all alone...with the dogs...who bark way too much! 

Anyway, let's hope this week goes by quickly! 

I love you, Michael.  Thanks for working so hard for us!! 

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