Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Fun!

Easter time means spring time! Yay!! It is also a great time to celebrate the season of Jesus' life and the evidence of His love for us! In the Koontz household it means something a little different apparently. Leah was eager to celebrate Easter, but in her mind it means dyeing Easter eggs!! We had a collection of egg dyeing kits and we chose the good ol' traditional color tablet and vinegar one! Here are some pictures to commemorate the season:

Here are few of our eggs, getting their color!

Leah humoring me by stopping the process to smile for a picture!!

The "men": too cool for egg dyeing!!

"Look, it says something!!" (Currently, I forget what it said, something "Easter-y" I'm sure!)

The Munchkin with the finished product!

We had a great Easter day. We went to church and it was a Family Sunday...meaning no Sunday School and I have realized how grateful I am for Kids Church. I feel lucky to live down the street from a good church...it is pretty big, but good worship and good preaching. Something about celebrating the Resurrection with a full orchestra and a 100-person choir gave me the chills. Later we went to Grandma Carol's and Grandpa Dan's for a little Wii playing, family dinner and a nice little Easter-day Earthquake. What does it say about the McAllister's if we all thought it was the effects of the wine?? Luckily Leah and Auntie Em used their brains and went to "duck and cover". The rest of us just held onto our wine glasses!! :) Wish I had a picture of it!!

Happy Easter!!

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